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Zen and Tea

Angel's Nest

Angel's Nest

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Regular price $3.50
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Angel Nests are the people's tea. At an extremely affordable price point, Angel's Nest is a perfect introduction to premium Puer tea.

Each Bud is composed of highly compressed ripe Puer tea. They feel like little candies in your palm. These are great for picnics and travel, just throw a few in your thermos or your bag.

 Angel's Nest makes a smooth silky brew. Take a sip of this brew and you will feel warm and cozy. Drinking Angel's Nest tea feels like being transported back to childhood and being wrapped in a big warm blanket.

 Style Form Year Weight Brews
Ripe Puer Buds 2008 5g

6 pots

2 thermos (1L)

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